Biomedicine, also called theoretical medicine, is a section of medicine that studies the human body, its structure and function in normal and pathological conditions, pathological states, methods of their diagnosis, correction and treatment from theoretical points of view.
Biomedicine includes accumulated information and research, to a greater or lesser extent, general medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry and the basic biological sciences, such as chemistry, biological chemistry, biology, histology, genetics, embryology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, biomedical engineering, zoology, botany and microbiology.
As a rule, biomedicine does not affect the practice of medicine to the extent that it is engaged in theory and research in medicine. The results of biomedicine make it possible the appearance of new drugs due to stem cells for cell therapy, a deeper, molecular understanding of the mechanisms causing the disease, thereby creating the foundation for all medical applications, diagnosis and treatment.
About 4,000 educational institutions in America today offer programs in the field of biology and medicine. Thus, every student in this country will be able to find a suitable training course. In addition, American science and technology education is indeed considered prestigious. More than 70% of the most influential and renowned biologists and biomedical scientists in the world are graduates from American universities.
Higher education in biomedicine in US universities involves the study of such disciplines as diagnosis and treatment of diseases, laboratory work, Medicare, biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, genetics, immunology, biochemistry, etc. In addition to theoretical knowledge, students of most programs also acquire practical skills in laboratory sessions.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is an institution of the United States Department of Health, consisting in turn of 27 institutes and research centers. This institution is the main centers in the United States, which is responsible for studying health and biomedical issues.
The main priorities of NIH in supporting biomedical research are the study of vital activity through basic research, the successful transformation of discoveries into health, the use of data and technologies to improve health, and the preparation of versatile and talented personnel for biomedical research.
Within the framework of the NIH, it provides funding based on the priorities that are being developed in the course of the activities of the high-level working group: an expert committee consisting of scientists and experts. This group is gathered considering the interests and the participation of various layers of the scientific community, representatives (advocates) of patient interests, as well as public specialists. However, more detailed information about the mechanisms for allocating priorities in the financing of this working group was not found.
Category: General Issues
Tags: drugs, health, medicine